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Blogg hins Grandaða Vesturbæings

Saturday, April 17, 2004
Spurning til Valda

Er þetta ekki morð?

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Friday, April 16, 2004
Nú verður Valdi alveg snældu...

Ég var að lesa friðarboðið sem bin Laden gaf frá sér (eða einhver á hans vegum) og hef verið að íhuga hann. Ég tel það vera mistök að segja nei strax án þess að íhuga þetta. Þetta gæti jafnvel verið tækifæri til að reyna að koma af stað samræðum á milli Evrópu og al Quaeda.

"This is a message to our neighbors north of the Mediterranean, with a proposal for a peace treaty, in response to the positive reactions which emerged there. "
"I hereby offer them a peace treaty, the essence of which is our commitment to halt actions against any country that commits itself to refraining from attacking Muslims or intervening in their affairs, including the American conspiracy against the larger Islamic world. "
"As for those who lie to people and say that we hate freedom and kill for the sake of killing - reality proves that we are the speakers of truth and they lie, because the killing of the Russians took place only after their invasion of Afghanistan and Chechnya; the killing of the Europeans took place only after the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan; the killing of the Americans in the Battle of New York took place only after their support for the Jews in Palestine and their invasion of the Arabian Peninsula; their killing in Somalia happened only after Operation Restore Hope. We restored [i.e. repelled] them without hope, by the grace of Allah."

Hann hefur soldið fyrir sínu máli. "Ef þið látið okkur vera látum við ykkur vera" er það sem mér heyrist hann vilja, og er það ekki eitthvað sem allir geta sætt sig við? Aftur á móti kemur að hann er ekki fulltrúi neinnar ríkistjórnar og óljóst hversu mikið að fólki hann hefur á bak við sig. En mér þótti ríkisstjórninr Evrópu frekar fljótar að neita þessu.

Nú má commenta!

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Thursday, April 15, 2004
Og ég hélt að veðrið væri loksins farið að skána

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Palli er of mellow

Mér þykir Páll ekki nógu frumlegur í lagasetningum sínum hér í Pálmaristan. Eina sem hann kemur til með að skilja eftir sig er "leggjutími". Hann ætti að taka forseta Turkmenistan sér til fyrirmyndar:

...Mr Niyazov, who prefers to be known as Turkmenbashi, "Leader of the Turkmens". In many ways he is the classic dictator. Turkmenistan is littered with gold statues of him, including a giant revolving one in the capital, Ashgabat. He has appointed himself "president for life", and his rule is absolute.

But in Mr Niyazov's case this has meant his country of five million isforced to live under some of the weirdest laws of our times. Two months ago he used another television appearance to ban beards and long hair for men. Opera and ballet are not allowed, because Mr Niyazov decided they were unnecessary.

Surreally, he has followed in the footsteps of the fictional dictator in Woody Allen's movie Bananas, to redefine the ages of his citizens. Adolescence now lasts until 25, youth doesn't end until 37, and old age starts at 85.

Last year Mr Niyazov instituted a holiday in honour of the muskmelon, a relative of the watermelon, complete with lavish festivities, and ordered that everybody take part. "This godsend has a glorious history," national television announced. "Our great leader, who has a great love of his nation, has brought the name of the tasty melons to the level of a national holiday."

Þetta er almennilegt.

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Fjölmiðlum ber ekki alveg saman

"Vopnahlé framlengt" mbl.is

"Vopnahlé rofið" Al-Jazeera

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Gutti blogg hvað?

Þessar niðurstöður hjá mér eru miklu svalari en hjá Gutta.

On 25th Aug 1978 ...

The Number 1 single was:
The Commodores - "Three Times A Lady"

The Number 1 album was:
Original Soundtrack - "Saturday Night Fever"

Born on 25th Aug:
1933 - Wayne Shorter ( saxophonist, Weather Report )
1949 - Gene Simmons ( bassist, vocalist, Kiss )
1954 - Elvis Costello ( real name Declan Patrick MacManus )
1963 - Candida Doyle ( keyboard player, backing vocals, Pulp )
1966 - Norman Rogers ( aka Terminator X, Public Enemy )

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

George Bush tekur próf

Svo er þetta soldið flott. Ég er að blogga. Duglegur.

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link


Er ekki tilvalið að kaupa páskaegg í dag? Eru þau ekki á tilboði allstaðar?

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link