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Blogg hins Grandaða Vesturbæings

Friday, March 12, 2004
Much ado about nothing

Ég sit heima hjá Arngrími hinum Nakta (hann er í baði) og er að blogga. Skjárinn hristist óþægilega mikið og er ég að verða sjóveikur.

Var í atvinnuviðtali áðan og held að það hafi bara gengið ágætlega, enda ekki um venjulegann mann að ræða. Ég gerði góða hluti, en var samt alltof stressaður. Ég er samt bara bjartsýnn.

Á eftir hefst hér heljarinnar teiti, og verður djammað fram á morgun, ef veður leyfir. EN ég er hættur að blogga, þessi skjár sökkar.

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Gaman, gleði og hamingja.

Palli "kann ekki að blogga lengur", segir hann. Starði furðulostinn á skjáinn og sagði "Hvernig geriru sona (hann talar líka vitlaust) fyrirsögn?". En hann skrifar samt allteaf einhverju vitleysu og fólk tjáir sig grimmt um hana. Það er gott. Alltaf líf í kringum Pál.

Svo er Arngrímur farinn að vera grimmur á sínu bloggi, og ég er ekkert nema ánægður með það. Lætur íhaldið heyra það. Good good.

Gutti er heimsins latasti bloggari. Meira að segja Boggi hefur hefur verið duglegri upp á síðkastið.

Ég hef ákveðið að tjá mig lítið um bloggið hans Geira, enda hefur hann völdin. Vertu góður.

Palli er kominn til Reykjavíkur, það er ógeðslegt veður, við fengum fría áskrift að mogganum, og Jónas er orðin Dark Lord.

Og Palli..... það eru fleiri.

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Þetta er búinn að vera mjög góður vetur fyrir okkur snjóbrettamennina. Alveg satt. Kanski ekki. En vegna þess að síðustu skrif mín um gróðurhúsaáhrifin vöktu svo mikla lukku ætla ég að bæta inn mynd af vinum mínum snjóköllunum sem eru að mótmæla.

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Monday, March 08, 2004
American Troops are Killing and Abusing Afghans, Rights Body Says

Having gone to war to combat terrorism and remove the oppressive Taliban regime, the United States is now undermining efforts to restore the rule of law and endangering the lives of civilians, Human Rights Watch says.

Its military forces have repeatedly used deadly force from helicopter gunships and small and heavy arms fire during "what are essentially law-enforcement operations" to arrest suspected criminals in residential areas where there is no military conflict, the report says.


"The use of these tactics has resulted in avoidable civilian deaths and injuries, and in individual cases may amount to violations of international humanitarian law."

HRW acknowledges that the Americans are opposed by armed groups which pay little heed to humanitarian law or human rights.

"But the activities of these groups are no excuse for US violations. Abuses by one party to a conflict, no matter how egregious, do not justify violations by the other side."


The report cites complaints collected by a UN official of "cowboy-like" tactics against people "who generally turn out to be law-abiding citizens". They include blowing doors open with grenades rather than knocking.

In one instance helicopters attacked the home of Ahmed Khan and his family in the Zurmat district in Paktia province, an area firmly under the control of Afghan forces at the time.

"We were lying in bed," Mr Khan told HRW. "Suddenly, there was a lot of noise. Some helicopters came, we could hear them circling and firing machine guns ... they rocketed a hole through the wall."

The Americans forced their way in and rounded up the family.

Öll greinin er hér, ef einhver hefur áhuga.

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

To whom it concerns:


posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link

Áhyggjur af umhverfinu

Ég hef miklar og sívaxandi áhyggjur af gróðurhúsaáhrifunum. En ég á ekki bíl og fer því til himna á meðan þið hin brennið hægt og rólega í hel. Enjoy.

Ivan Rogers, Mr Blair's principal private secretary, told Sir David King, the Prime Minister's chief scientist, to limit his contact with the media after he made outspoken comments about President George Bush's policy on climate change.

In January, Sir David wrote a scathing article in the American journal Science attacking Washington for failing to take climate change seriously. "In my view, climate change is the most severe problem we are facing today, more serious even than the threat of terrorism," he wrote.

Support for Sir David's view came yesterday from Hans Blix, the former United Nations chief weapons inspector, who said the environment was at least as important a threat as global terrorism. He told BBC1's Breakfast with Frost: "I think we still overestimate the danger of terror. There are other things that are of equal, if not greater, magnitude, like the environmental global risks."

posted by Jóhann Þórsson| link